When I was a child, I used to dress like El Diablito (2021) is a set of photographs and objects that consider how we demonise people from other places. Drawing from sources such as the 1959 Mexican film, Santa Claus vs The Devil, where the English dubbed version gave Santa an American accent, but preserved the Mexican accent of the Devil, Ramirez reflects on the conflation of racial markers and devilish features (mischief, disorder, and chaos). He previously touched on this area of interest in a different context for his essay Racial Phantasmagoria: The demonisation of the other in Richard Mosse’s ‘Incoming’ (2018), where he begins charting how the Western gaze displaces demonic fantasies onto others. And teased some of this symbology further in his paper Iconographic Necromancy (2020) for the Dark Eden conference, where he looks at the Statue of Baphomet erected by The Satanic Temple.