South curated by David Corbet, Hazelhurst Gallery, 2014
aXolotl’s Happiness (2014) draws from Julio Cortazar’s short story Axolotl (1952), a Kafkian narrative about a man that transforms into an axolotl, to create a banal scene of monstrosity. The axolotl is a neotenic salamander endemic to the lakes of Mexico with the unique capacity to regrow lost limbs and remain in a state of eternal youth.
Selected media:
Interview about Picasso's MinotaurInterview about Picasso's MinotaurInterview about Picasso's Minotaur
Talking about the earth without meeting on it: A virtual workshop about human connection with the environmentTalking about the earth without meeting on it: A virtual workshop about human connection with the environmentTalking about the earth without meeting on it: A virtual workshop about human connection with the environment
Daily demons and fabulous animals: In which the author finds her craftswoman but loses her cat 🎓Daily demons and fabulous animals: In which the author finds her craftswoman but loses her cat 🎓Daily demons and fabulous animals: In which the author finds her craftswoman but loses her cat 🎓
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aXolotl's Happiness, HD Video, 7:15min, 2014